New paper

What about the socially differentiated vulnerability to place effects? Who are the ‘truly disadvantaged’? Why? A new article about everyday geography of young adults and the unequal importance that spatial accessibility to a range of urban services might have for their mental health.

Vallée J., Shareck M., Kestens Y., Frohlich K., 2021. Everyday geography and service accessibility: The contours of disadvantage in relation to mental health, Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Paper is avalaible online in open access or in the journal website.

Defense thesis

Anaïs Dubreuil successfully defended her thesis December 15, 2020.

Her thesis entitled “Les pratiques spatiales quotidiennes durant la transition vers l’âge adulte : trajectoires biographiques et espaces d’activités des jeunes montréalais-es” is avalaible online here.

New article

A new paper about changes in activity spaces during the transition to adulthood is out !

Dubreuil, A., J. Vallée, M. Shareck et K. Frohlich. (2020). L’évolution des espaces d’activité lors de la transition vers l’âge adulte (Montréal, Canada), Revue Jeunes et Société, 5 (1), 71-98.

Paper is avalaible online in open access or in the journal website.

New article

A new paper is out. May be helpful if you wonder how people’s place experiences distort the assessment of social inequalities in accessibility, and ultimately, of neighbourhood effects.

Vallée J., Shareck M., Le Roux G., Kestens Y., Frohlich K., 2020. Is accessibility in the eye of the beholder ? Social inequalities in spatial accessibility to health-related resources in Montréal, Canada. Social Science & Medicine. January 2020, Vol 245.

Paper is avalaible online in open access or in the journal website.

New article

An article focus on activity space evolution during the transition to adulthood has been accepted by the Revue Jeunes et Société and will be published in early 2020.

Dubreuil A., Vallée J., Shareck M., Frohlich K.L., 2019. L’évolution des espaces d’activité lors de la transition vers l’âge adulte (Montréal, Canada). Accepté dans Revue Jeunes et Société, octobre 2019

Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité

Anaïs Dubreuil was in Lyon in June at the Première Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité (RFTM). She gave a talk about interactions between life course and changes in activity space during transition to adulthood in Montreal.

Mobiliscope V2

Le Mobiliscope is  a geovisualization platform for the interactive exploration of neighborhood social composition over a 24 hour time period, taking into account how people move throughout the day.

It is intended to help people (academic researchers, students, policymakers and practitioners, NGO, members of private sectors or ordinary citizens) explore cities around the clock.

A second version has been published online.


Marianne Guérois was in Athens in July at the colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF).

Baudet-Michel S, Chaix B, Guérois M, Lecomte C, Le Roux G, Vallée J. Effective and potential access to services in metropolitan areas (Paris): who goes to the nearest amenity? 54ème colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Athènes, 5-7 juillet 2017